Personal Adoption Update

Well our next round of personal hosting is right around the corner. Many of you know that last year we hosted two beautiful little 8 year old girls from Ukraine. It was awesome, scary, crazy, and wonderful. It also ended in a really unthinkable way which catapulted us into launching our own Ukraine Orphan ministry! If you aren’t familiar with that story, it’s definitely worth the read. You can check that article out here: A whirlwind two months, an international investigation, our heartbreak, and a new vision.


So why in the world would we do Ukraine Hosting again?!

When I went out to Ukraine in September to figure out what was happened with the other two girls that stayed with us, we met another little girl through a missionary in Ukraine. My mother-in-law ran into a former missionary a week or so before I flew out to Kiev and she told us of this little girl whose mother had passed away, her father is in prison, and she lives with her alcohol grandma in really terrible conditions. I promised my mother-in-law I would visit this girl!

She was terrified of me and Vitaly (our staff member in Ukraine). Later we found out why, one of the ways she is disciplined is by the grandmother threatening, “If you don’t stop they are going to come take you away to the orphanage.”

Our hope and prayer for this girl

Our hope was that after meeting her in September, that by March, she would be open enough to join us at the camp we were putting on at a different orphanage… which I am SO thankful to say she was! The video below is of the camp we did in March and you can see her in a lot of it!


In total, she spent ten days with us, and by the end was cuddling me, holding my hand, and laughing incessantly! As you can see from the pictures, there was a lot of change in just 10 days!

Moving foward

We are a long way off in the actual adoption, but until then we are SO thankful to have the opportunity to host her this summer! She will be here in one week (as of writing this)! It will be incredible having her here, and heartbreaking sending her back, but we will keep looking forward to hosting her.

So here’s where we need your help.

We are hosting her through another organization and they fly into New York City. The total cost for us is going to be about $4,000 between hosting fees and the 3 round trip flights out to NYC.

If you want to help out financially you can click this link and donate (tax deductible) by check, credit card, or PayPal! Thanks in advance.

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